les péchés de nos pères

160 x 80 cm oil on canvas 2016 Les péchés de nos pères (the sins of our fathers), a painting inspired by our colonial past. Painted years before national TV and printed press even thought about spending time and energy to this theme. WHY DON’T YOU SHARE IT IF YOU LIKE IT? Share on facebook […]


Bart Vinckier, madrugada, olie op doek, 2016

35 x 45 cmoil on canvas2016 WHY DON’T YOU SHARE IT IF YOU LIKE IT? Share on facebook Share on pinterest Share on email why don’t you share it if you like it? Share on facebook Share on pinterest Share on email


40 x 45 cmoil on canvas2016 WHY DON’T YOU SHARE IT IF YOU LIKE IT? Share on facebook Share on pinterest Share on email why don’t you share it if you like it? Share on facebook Share on pinterest Share on email

de handhaving

handhaving, schilderij Bart Vinckier in studio

40 x 50 cmoil on canvas2017 the small studio in pussy street, in the bedroom of a small house. only small paintings were made here.

A lot of yes and a little no

A lot of yes and a little no, painting by bart vinckier in studio

28 x 32 cm oil on canvas 2015 Selected for the Kunstsant Art Prize 2016 WHY DON’T YOU SHARE IT IF YOU LIKE IT? Share on facebook Share on pinterest Share on email why don’t you share it if you like it? Share on facebook Share on pinterest Share on email